Pradeep DhoteRNNThe idea behind RNNs is to make use of sequential information.Jan 15, 2021Jan 15, 2021
Pradeep DhoteRandom Forest AlgorithmDecision trees are one of such models which have low bias but high variance. We have studied that decision trees tend to overfit the data…Jan 7, 2021Jan 7, 2021
Pradeep DhoteAttention mechanism in Deep LearningIn Deep Learning Attention is one component of a network’s architecture, and is in charge of managing and quantifying the interdependence.Aug 21, 2020Aug 21, 2020
Pradeep DhoteSeq2Seq-Encoder-Decoder-LSTM-ModelRecurrent Neural Networks (or more precisely LSTM/GRU) have been found to be very effective in solving complex sequence related problems…Aug 20, 2020Aug 20, 2020
Pradeep DhoteK-NN(K-Nearest Neighbors)K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) algorithm is a supervised machine learning algorithm that can be used to solve both classification and…Aug 5, 2020Aug 5, 2020
Pradeep DhoteAdaBoost ,Gradient Boosting algorithm,XGBoost Ensemble ModelAdaBoost is a boosting ensemble model and works especially well with the decision tree. Boosting model’s learn from the previous mistakes…Aug 5, 20202Aug 5, 20202
Pradeep DhoteEnsemble Techniques ,Ensemble Learning in Machine Learning ExplanationEnsemble learning is most popular Techniques or approach in machine learning.Jul 30, 2020Jul 30, 2020
Pradeep DhoteDecision Tree : Classification and Regression Algorithm(CART ,ID3)CART :- Classification and Regression TreeJul 26, 2020Jul 26, 2020
Pradeep DhoteDecision Tree Explained :Classification and Regression AlgorithmDecision tree algorithm is one of the most versatile algorithms in machine learning which can perform both classification and regression…Jul 26, 2020Jul 26, 2020